Bottom sheets
In BottomSheets
With vertical actions
val state = rememberModalBottomSheetState(skipPartiallyExpanded = true) val scope = rememberCoroutineScope() LaunchedEffect(Unit) { } if (state.isVisible) { ModalBottomSheet(onDismissRequest = { scope.launch { state.hide() delay(1500) } }) { val items = listOf( Icons.Rounded.Share to "Share", Icons.Rounded.Link to "Get Link", Icons.Rounded.Edit to "Edit name", Icons.Rounded.Delete to "Delete items", ) Column(Modifier.navigationBarsPadding()) { items.forEach { item -> Row( horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(32.dp), modifier = Modifier.clickable { /* TODO */ }.clip(MaterialTheme.shapes.medium).fillMaxWidth() .padding(horizontal = 32.dp, vertical = 18.dp), ) { Icon(item.first, null) Text(item.second) } } } } }
In BottomSheets
fun NiceTry(){
Column {
BasicText("Nice try. Use code COMPOSE10 for a 10% discount on checkout ;)")
In BottomSheets
fun NiceTry(){
Column {
BasicText("Nice try. Use code COMPOSE10 for a 10% discount on checkout ;)")
In BottomSheets
fun NiceTry(){
Column {
BasicText("Nice try. Use code COMPOSE10 for a 10% discount on checkout ;)")
In BottomSheets
fun NiceTry(){
Column {
BasicText("Nice try. Use code COMPOSE10 for a 10% discount on checkout ;)")